Dear Doctor- Fat Patient Demands Respectful Treatment from Doctors

Dear Doctor- Fat Patient Demands Respectful Treatment from Doctors

A letter to all fatfobic doctors,

I am writing to you today to express my frustration and anger at the way that I have been treated by some members of the medical profession. I am a fat person, and I have been repeatedly dismissed and ignored by doctors because of my weight.

I deserve to be treated with the same respect, compassion, and concern as any other patient. Just because I am fat does not mean that every issue in my body is related to my weight. My pain is no less valid because I am fat. My symptoms are not in my head, and yes, fibromyalgia is a complex diagnosis, but it is not a catch-all for things that you are too lazy to test for.

It is rude and unprofessional to be in shock that some of my numbers are normal. You cannot diagnose me with diabetes at a glance and then be shocked that my glucose is normal.

I demand that you treat me with the same respect, compassion, and concern that you would treat a skinny person. If you are not able to do that, then I suggest that you quit your job.


A Fat Patient

After leaving yet another doctor feeling worse than I came in, crying in the car after being made to feel my pain is my fault. 

Please know that you are worthy of the best treatment, regardless of your size. If you have experienced bad treatment based on your size, I am sorry. Please share your experience below.

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